Since 2017, JSC “218 ARZ” has been working on the creation of the consolidated aircraft repair center based on the enterprises of the United Engine Corporation (part of the Government Corporation Rostech). From the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2019, the aircraft repair plants were reorganized. The reorganization was carried out by merging two enterprises (JSC “712 ARZ” and JSC “570 ARZ”), located in Chelyabinsk region and Krasnodar region, with the third entity (JSC “218 ARZ”), based in Leningrad region.
“Aspectum.” successfully advised on all activities related to the reorganization on an extremely tough schedule.
Completing the reorganization procedures within the schedule was very important because the enterprises involved in the reorganization acted as defense government contractors, providing repairs, maintenance, testing and disposal of the aircraft equipment under these government contracts, and any delays of the reorganization could have a negative impact on them.