We specialize in providing complex legal assistance to corporate and private clients on Russian law, as well as the representation of their interests before State authorities, counterparties, employees, and others at pre-trial and trial stages.
Our office is located at:
Office 620, Moika River Embankment, 58, lit. A, St. Petersburg, 190000, Russian Federation
P: +7 (812) 932-1763
P: +7 (812) 200-4065
E-mail: aspectum@russia.legal
A company specializing in the provision of services related to the preparation, collection, and submission…
The service rendering contract was concluded between the individual entrepreneur having applied to use for…
In the context of the government contract the Company performed works on construction of the…
According to the law employers engaging highly skilled foreign specialists shall quarterly notify the structural…
The contract for import product delivery was concluded between the supplier applying to us for…
The contract for delivery of couplings and adapters to them was concluded between the supplier…
The legal status of the liquidator is special: the liquidator shall act not only for…
In March of 2018 lawful heir of the famous playwright V.K. Konstantinov detected that one…