The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Interior of Voronezh region revoked a Russian Federation residence permit of a Ukrainian citizen, who was 8 months pregnant at the time. The defendant was convicted of a repeated administrative offense as she did not register after moving from Voronezh to Saint-Petersburg to her husband, a Russian citizen. She moved to Saint-Petersburg during the 2018 FIFA World Cup, when the timeframe for registration was reduced, and the defendant was not aware of the new regulations. The fine was paid, but the Ministry of Interior decided she needed to incur further liability.
We appealed to the Voronezh Central District Court to challenge that decision of the Ministry of Interior of the Voronezh region. The Court supported our position and fully satisfied the stated requirements.
The Court overturned the decision of the Ministry of Interior of the Voronezh region, and agreed that revoking the residence permit is disproportionate to the nature of the offense, does not meet the requirements of justice, and the decision itself was made without taking into account all circumstances of the case, and represents a serious interference in personal and family life, especially given the fact that the plaintiff is married to a citizen of Russia and when the decision was made has already given birth to a child, who was also granted the Russian citizenship.
The Court of Appeal also agreed with our position.