A model from the well-known Moscow model agency participated in a promo photoshoot organized by “Elena Furs” fur factory. “Elena Furs” representative assured the model and the model agency that any pictures taken during that unpaid bonus photoshoot will be used only on the brand website http://elenafurs.ru, on the social networks pages of the brand, and in “Greenwich” shopping mall in Ekaterinburg, Russia. However, the model soon noticed that her pictures were placed on banners in the Moscow metro (metro station Frunzenskaya).

With the help of the model’s statement, the testimony of the photoshoot witnesses, photos from the metro station and the e-mail correspondence with the fur factory, we filed a suit to Khamovnichesky District Court of Moscow to compensate the moral damages caused by using the images of the model illegally.

The court ruled in favor of the model, and recognized that placing the image of the model without her consent was illegal and violated her image protection rights, and caused moral damages.
